Saturday, April 30, 2016

Bathroom argument

I am not the most politically correct but am a red blooded true American with Christian values.  If you feel God gave you the wrong equipment as a person that's between you and Him.  If you're wearing a dress in the mens room you can believe you're going to get stares and comments.  If you have male equipment and use the womens restroom I would fear you would be met with overwhelming hostility. If one of my daughters is using the womens restroom and you try to enter, expect me to stop you until they come out.

If this passes in law you can bet there will be a huge number of men wearing a dress or womens pants suit just to get into the same restroom as real women.  As sick as it sounds it's going to happen.  Do we not already have predators feeding off the everyday lives of our children without offering them yet another way to gain access to our kids lives?  I DO NOT like the idea of a man with breasts and penis entering a bathroom where my daughters are doing their business and you can bet I'll be a big problem if that scenario arises.

As of now we have bathrooms for Women, Men many have Family bathrooms to facilitate parents taking their small children so what now, do we add yet another for transgender? What would the charges be for a woman who used a stun gun on a transgender male in the womens bathroom?  If you are confused as to your sexual orientation or not pleased how you were born PLEASE do not expect the rest of us to be overly accepting in such areas as bathrooms and dressing room, the locker rooms at the local swimming pool and other such places.

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