Friday, November 13, 2015

My gun and I

All for gun control? You never knew this. My gun and I have chatted with you in the grocery store and you never knew my gun was there. My gun and I have dinned at the table across from yours at a local restaurant, you never knew my gun was there.  We have sat in church next to you and you never knew my gun was there. We have stood in line at the local theater to buy tickets and you never knew my gun was there.  We have waited in line at the bank together and you never knew my gun was there.  We have the same waiting room at the doctors office and pleasantly chatted while we waited, you never knew my gun was there.

It's called Concealed Carry for a very good reason, my gun is concealed from your view. But yet if someone tried to harm you, to rob you, to rape you, my gun and I are there.  If a robber came into the store where we were grocery shopping my gun and I are there to protect you and myself.

When if ever we get stopped by the police we share the fact we are armed quickly with the officer.  This says something about who we are because they know an in depth background check has been ran on us and we are law abiding citizens of this great Nation. It's not cheap to own and carry a weapon but the price is worth the peace of mind to us who carry. We do so for safety, bodily harm prevention, and to watch out for those around us who may find themselves in harms way.

My gun and I have seen you many times that you have never seen my weapon.  I've thankfully never had to use it but I know it's there if I need it.  I don't flash it around or share the fact it's with me to everyone but I know it's there,  You weren't afraid of us when we talked or met for the first time and you have no reason to fear us at all.  My gun and I aren't there to harm you but to protect you.

My gun and I aren't showboating or looking for trouble but we are ready if trouble arises.

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